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266 Pine Street
Burlington, VT, 05401
United States

Revival Studio creates Automobilia and art from license plates. This on-line gallery and store exhibit and sell artwork made by Aaron Stein.


Automotive Furnishings

Dodge Wall Bar

A 1947 Dodge pick-up truck repurposed into a bar with license plate detailing on the inside. Working lights, backlit bar, wine fridge. Contact me for more information.


VW Steering Wheel Torchière

Lamp made from a VW Steering Wheel. I also create commissions for various companies and you can see that work here. Contact me for more information.

Driver’s Seat

Leather seat, highly comfortable, with raw aluminum license plate detailing around the outside. Contact me for more information.

Flamingo Installation

Decoration using car parts & hood ornament. Contact me for more information.
